
Our Physicians

Orthopedic surgery (Joint) - Hyun Seok SEO, M.D., Department Head
Orthopedic surgery (Joint)Hyun Seok SEO, M.D., Department Head
Areas of Expertise
Robotic artificial joint surgery
  • - Resident, Orthopedics, Ajou University Medical Center - Clinical instructor, the Catholic University of Korea Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital(Upper hand extremity and microsurgery) - Regular member of the Korean Orthopaedic Association - Regular member of Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand - Regular member of the Korean Society for Microsurgery - Regular member of the Korean Fracture Society
  • - Regular member of the Korean Arthroscopy Society - Member, the Hand Research Group, the Catholic University of Korea - Completion of AO Trauma Course - Completion of Microsurgery Workshop, the Korean Society for Microsurgery - Completion of Arthrex Korea Hand & Wrist Cadever Workshop

Medical Schedule

Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
AM operation outpatient consultation operation outpatient consultation operation
PM outpatient consultation outpatient consultation operation outpatient consultation operation