
Shoulder Conditions

What is frozen shoulder?

The joint membrane surrounding the shoulder joint degenerates and causes inflammation.

Frozen shoulder is a condition in which the tissues around the shoulder joint become inflamed and painful, gradually restricting shoulder movement.
The cause of the condition is unknown, but it is called frozen shoulder because it occurs most often around the age of 50.
Recently, the age of onset has been decreasing to the 30s and 40s.

Causes and Symptoms

  • Why does it happen?
    Why does it happen?

    Caused by aging and various causes

    • 1.Caused by degeneration of the soft tissues of the joint as we age
    • 2.Prolonged shoulder stiffness
    • 3.Caused by trauma such as injury
    • 4.No specific cause
  • What are the symptoms?
    What are the symptoms?

    The pain gets worse at night

    • 1.General stiffness and pain in the shoulder
    • 2.Shoulder stiffness makes it difficult to lift your arm upward to brush your hair, etc.
    • 3.The pain gets worse at night, making it difficult to sleep on the affected side.
    • 4.The pain is worse when the weather is cloudy.

How to treat?

They are categorized into conservative and surgical treatments.